The Journey Beyond - Update
Writing The Journey Beyond was a very stretching experience. I so wanted to ensure that this book would address the challenges being faced in our society, but in a way that was meaningful and healing. The last thing I wanted to do was to write something cliche or far too simple. I wanted this to be a book that would make us think and challenge our own assumptions.
I'm now starting to receive the first feedback from early reviewers and I've been encouraged to hear comments that suggest I may have achieved some of my aims with the book. The other day someone who is reviewing the book sent me a text saying:
"Wow! You have tappped into something crucial in all of us that needs to be brought forth and have done it with such grace, once again laying yourelf bare, vulnerable and humble. It's not superficial and preachy, but more of a gentle invitation, as you take our hands and invite us into your world to explore it with you."
Another reviewer wrote, "I found myself murmuring "Yes!" and "Wow!" as I gained inspiration from his insight. This book provided me with both an escape from our society and a head-on confrontation with some of its most difficult aspects at the same time. I wish it was mandatory reading for anyone in positions of leadership and power."

The book is now in the final stages of binding and should leave the printshop in a couple of days. It's being printed in Korea and I'm really hoping it will arrive in time for its May 1st realease. I have a few advance copies that will be shipped off to me later this week. I can't wait to receive them and finally see the finished book! I'm going to take 20 of these advance copies and give them away. If you are interested in winning a copy, you can enter at the link below.
Goodreads Book Giveaway
The Journey Beyond
by Erik Stensland
Giveaway ends March 31, 2021.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.