Current Challenges

October 5, 2021  |  Estes Park

This pandemic has hit all of us hard in so many different ways that I would never have predicted. One of the impacts we're facing as a business is in regards to shipping our products to customers. The demands on UPS and FedEx are so great that we are not getting the service that we are accustomed to. We're not only seeing delays but we are having an increasing number of our products being damaged in shipping. This has happened mostly with our larger plaques and framed plaques. It's always sad to hear when someone has waited patiently for their artwork to be produced only to receive it with a forklift hole through the middle of it or artwork that looks as if a truck has driven over it. For us it is highly frustrating and embarrassing. We've worked to make sure we have the best packaging available, have made numerous complaints to our shippers, but it hasn't made much difference. This has been occurring with about 10% of the products we ship. If this happens to you, please inspect the package and refuse to accept it if there is damage. This way, it ensures that the shipper covers the cost of the damage. If you receive a damaged product, it may take a little longer to get your artwork above your fireplace, but we are committed to ensure that each customer receives a perfect piece or in the worse-case a refund.

Another area where we have felt the impact of the pandemic is with the production of our plaques. The company that makes them for us has been struggling to get both supplies and staff, like most businesses during this pandemic. At the last minute they will hear from a supplier that what they were promised isn't coming. This has led to delays and stress for all involved. We're working hard to create a backstock of supplies so that we can move beyond this, but these last months have been a real challenge for us all.

We're also seeing some of the same challenges with my publishing business both in terms of supplies and shipping and are working hard to get our books and calendars ordered much earlier than usual. Hopefully we will get everything in time for next spring.

With all of this, we simply ask for your patience. Despite these new challenges, we are committed to do our very best to give you the highest quality service and products possible.

Posted in Our News.