Gallery in New Mexico
In the spring of 2013, I opened a gallery of my Desert Southwest images called Images of the Desert. This gallery is located in the remote and beautiful Christ in the Desert Monastery near Abiquiu, New Mexico. It is a cooperative effort with the monastery and features many of my favorite images from the desert.

Many people have wondered how such a cooperation was formed. During the winter of 2012-2013, Derek Brooks who had been managing my gallery in Estes Park, spent 6 months at the monastery while working on his master's thesis. It was considered to be the most remote monastery in the western hemisphere, the perfect place for him to get some peace and quite to study and write.
While there he realized that it was actually a hub of activity. Visitors were coming from all over to visit or take a retreat from the stresses of life. He had the idea of using the large empty room next to the monastery gift shop as a gallery. This would serve several different needs. It would provide an outlet for my desert photography, provide the monastery with some much needed income, and also create a peaceful space for those on retreat to have a beautiful and peaceful place to think and pray. This led to the opening of the Images of the Desert Gallery, from which 40% of every sale goes to support the work of the monastery.

If you can't make it down to the monastery in person, you can see many of these images at: You can also find out more about the monastery on their website.