A Day In The Life
My gallery staff have been pushing me for a quite a while to put together a little post on what my life is actually like as they get so many questions about it. People are constantly saying that I have the world's best job, though in truth most of those who say that know little of what it actually entails.
Last year I did a blog post on a day in my life and it turned out to be quite popular, so this year I took it a step further and shot video with my phone of a 24-hour period of my life covering most of June 22, 2020. In this rather rough video I share a very realistic picture of what is involved in the life of a professional landscape photographer from the early mornings, to the exhilaration of standing on a mountain at sunrise, to the daily office work and the exhaustion that comes with it. So come along for the ride and get a peek into my life.
Below is the primary image that I captured on this gorgeous morning. It is comprised of 8 high resolution vertical photos. Be sure and view it as large as you can as it really needs to be seen at nearly 10' long to enjoy all the detail this one has. If you click on it, it will open to a full page with better viewing.

Crowning Glory
I also captured this one when I descended to the Boulderfield to warm up.

Perfect Morning
Thanks for joining me! I hope you enjoyed it.